To blog or not to blog…

IMG_8892My grandfather taught me many things; the most important of which was what it meant to be an American. As a little girl, I remember staring at the wooden airplane propellers hanging on the wall from a plane he flew in the War and thinking he was the bravest man in the world. Papa was always very outspoken in his political views. He would rant and rave after the six o’clock news, a Presidential debate, or during President Carter’s address to the nation, but I never fully understood why he was so opinionated and passionate about politics. Of course I was just a kid in the 70’s and 80’s, and my idea of America was awesome! Patriotism was cool. It was part of who I was. I was an American, and, without really knowing why, I knew it was something to be proud of.  After all, I had one of the best decorated bicycles in the annual neighborhood 4th of July parade, we said the Pledge of Allegiance before school every day, I was voted to be a flag girl in the 5th grade, and above all, I had grandfather who flew fighter planes against the Japanese to fight for my freedom. To be American was cool, and I felt proud. I felt safe. 

I clearly inherited my passion for politics from my grandfather. This passion was however, influenced heavily by an early childhood fascination with Abraham Lincoln. His writings and speeches have captivated and moved me, and, as I have become an adult, I have realized that both Lincoln’s and Papa’s conservative principles and love of country have had a profound impact on how I view the world.
Now in my mid 40’s, I fear that the America I grew up in, the America my grandfather fought to preserve is changing and headed in the wrong direction. The conservative values I learned from my grandfather seem to be taking a back seat to this new age of political correctness and the growing size of government. Facebook became the platform for my political voice, and to no surprise I would frequently get in to debates with my liberal friends as well as heated arguments regarding our current political landscape and interpretation of history. My father-in-law, whose “like” and “comment” I could always count on, suggested that I take my political posts to a bigger platform. He suggested I start my own political blog, and I have taken his advice.
My opinions are just opinions, but they are based on extensive research and, most importantly, are rooted in the influence of the smartest and bravest man I ever knew, my grandfather, Colonel Herbert Dan Boone, USAF.
I hope you find what I have to say interesting and share your own thoughts too.
God bless you and God bless America.


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