Don’t Be A-Sheep!

23:46:12Anyone else find this strange … Taiwan, a country that has 24 million people stacked on top of each other (17th most densely populated country), located right next to China…. only has had 7 covid deaths and 449 cases.

But here’s the catch… they are NOT in an election year, they are NOT a member of the WHO (World Health Organization) and their mass media is one of the freest most competitive in all of Asia.

If you don’t think their is alternate agenda being orchestrated here and this virus isn’t being used for politics and money, then you hang out with Little Bo Peep.

Keep people sick, scared and broke hurts Trump.
Keep people sick and spreading makes the need for a vaccine and vaccines equal lots of money. Big Pharma and individuals have dumped a lot of money in the covid vaccine race. If it contained, we won’t need it and they lose.

Here’s the bottom line- go to the doctor as soon as you feel symptoms, just like we do with every other illness. The media and government officials are telling us to stay home and fight it off but if you get really really sick and can’t breath, then come in. That’s bullshit! Just like every other disease, early detection and early treatment is the key. If you wait until it has spread all over and the viral load has exploded, your chances just got slim. Feel sick, go to doctor immediately and demand one of the early aggressive treatments that many doctors have come out suggesting. The doctors that have 100% of their patients cured. I know of 3 in Texas. Do not wait it out. Don’t listen to the lying government officials and media , they have been WRONG on everything and we are leading the world in the most deaths. Screw them, let’s not be sheep and beat this ourselves.

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