These Boots are Made for Walking…Away

The #walkaway movement is gaining strength! The guy in the video is African American, homosexual, and he, like many others, is waking up to the truth. Thank goodness. The Left’s strategy of treating people like victims and using them for votes is fizzling out.

For those that are walking away or considering it, here are a few things to expect:

We won’t give you health care and college for free, but we will help build an economy that will allow you to afford it.

We won’t designate safe spaces where people can color and hide from different opinions, but we try to raise confident, tolerant, respectful children that will allow you to speak and respect your right to your opinions.

We won’t sacrifice the strength of our military, but we will continue to strengthen our military because we realize a strong military is the best way to avoid war.

We won’t try and take away your Constitutional right to own a gun, but we will work to secure our borders and support all areas of law enforcement so we are all safer.

We won’t pander to you as a victim based on race or religion, but we will look at the content of your character regardless of color, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.

We won’t encourage or enable you to be dependent on the government for food and shelter, but we will build companies, create jobs and wealth through capitalism so you won’t need to be.

We won’t agree to play along with delusions that biology and proven science are subjective, but we will respect your right to be your own person and live your life on your terms.

We won’t lower test scores or give jobs to less qualified applicants based on skin color, but we will continue to believe that doing so is a racist approach – in our view, people are people, we are all equals with the same capabilities.

We won’t try and convince you that the government needs to take more of your hard earned money, but we will continue to support tax cuts and understand you have a right to as much of your money as possible…and your money IS NOT crumbs.

We won’t try and create hysteria and false narratives when we lose an election to damage a fairly elected official, but we will strive to elect people that believe in the Constitution, support our values, and love America.

We won’t ignore the opportunity to negotiate peace with foreign adversaries when given the chance, but we will be strong and enforce any red lines we draw.

We won’t stop helping less fortunate people and people in need around the world, but we will try to encourage unstable and failing countries that a democratic republic is the most successful form of government, and liberate their citizens.

We won’t turn our back on immigrants, but we will vet them and insist they follow the law when coming into our country so that we protect our citizens first.

To Rob and all the thousands of others who have joined #walkaway, welcome to the RIGHT side.

There is a reason its called the Right and why thousands on the Left… just left. 😉

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