The Libs in their Cribs

Well it seems as though the poor Democrats can not accept they were defeated by a candidate with no political background, zero experience in the art of debating, and a politically incorrect, often offensive outsider. They are trying everything they can think of to comfort their sad little souls and justify their temper tantrums. 


First it was the recount effort and attempt to persuade electors to jump ship and vote for Hillary, but that backfired so bad that she actually lost an elector herself. Next it was FBI Director Comey’s fault and that damn letter that reopened her case regarding her private email server and the classified emails she sent and received. 


Now they claim that Russia hacked the DNC and John Podesta’s emails and that influenced people to vote for Trump instead of her even though they never disputed that the slimy stuff in their emails was not the truth. Additionally, Julian Assange has publically stated on numerous occasions that his source was not Russia and numerous cyber security experts, such as John McAfee, have gone on record saying there was no way it was Russia, and the mere fact that the report itself was a joke only stating the obvious and a bunch of vague examples. This is still what they are hanging on to in order to claim Trump’s win is not legitimate. 


As of today, 50 plus Democrats that are either Senators or Representatives have stated they are boycotting Trump’s inauguration. The ring leader to start this childish, unpatriotic position was none other than John Lewis, the Representative from Georgia. 


Congressman Lewis, beaten in 1963 while marching with Martin Luther King, has always been respected as a civil rights hero – and rightfully so. Mr. Lewis however, stated on an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, that he feels that Russia influenced the election so therefore he does not see President Elect Trump’s presidency to be legitimate. He goes on to say that he will not be attending the inauguration and that this is the first time he has boycotted a President’s inauguration. 


Whoa, Mr. Lewis. Are you sure? What about George W Bush’s inauguration? You did not go to that one either. Your reason being that you did not feel his presidency was legitimate either. See a pattern here? It’s one thing to not go but another to lie on national TV about it being the first time not attending one. Lying, unfortunately, is a common trait on the Left.  


Now at least 50 legislators have followed suit and said they would not attend either. This is extremely childish and not good for the country. The presidential inauguration is a coveted tradition of our Republic that stands for the peaceful transfer of power. It is important that we all, regardless of our chosen candidate’s victory or loss, come together as Americans to support the new President. Demonstrating division by acting like poor losers only weakens us as a nation. 


It reminds me of Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration where most of the Democrats did not attend because Lincoln had this radical idea that slavery should be abolished. Those dang Democrats are always right, aren’t they?  


Not only have these cry baby legislators said they would not attend the inauguration, they are also doing everything they can to make Trump’s cabinet appointees look unfit. After watching most of the confirmation hearings, I was appalled how these people were being treated by the Democrats on the committees. It was downright embarrassing watching these grown adults attack, spin, and try to humiliate these men and women looking to serve our country in difficult positions. Shame on you all! Ask your questions, state your positions, inquire about theirs, throw in your climate change talking points every time, but do it respectfully for heavens’ sake. They deserve at least that.


Unfortunately its not only Congress throwing temper tantrums but of course the leftist lunatics in Hollywood. Whether its ignorant Rosie O’Donnell actually advocating for martial law or Meryl Streep delivering the most ridiculous speech during the Golden Globes, it is clear that poor little whittle baby Democrats are freaking out and need to go to their cribs – their safe spaces. Once again, the Left is ruled by feelings; they do what feels good and the Right does what is good. 


Thank goodness the adults are back in charge.


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