Is There a Bird in the Bureau?

As more and more information is being exposed about the fake Trump-Russia collusion investigation, the truth about who is involved is coming to light. Many people, including Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Christopher Steele, Bruce and Nellie Ohr and James Comey, have become regular house hold names this last year. There is one name however, that has rarely been mentioned, and the question is why, since he would be a central figure in this whole mess.

Bill Preistap is the head of counterintelligence at the FBI, he is just beneath Andrew McCabe and is Peter Strzok’s superior. I find it odd that he hasn’t been mentioned during the last few months considering the vast amount of reporting on the Russia collusion investigation. The criminal investigation into the FBI requested by Grahman and Grassely came about because Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, the author of the Trump dossier, and the FBI’s timelines did not match. They want to know who in the FBI lied.

The only time Bill Preistap has been mentioned at all was during Jim Comey’s testimony to congress on March 20th regarding the decision to not prosecute Hillary Clinton. Most would not even remember this however, because Comey never mentioned him by name, only title. He stated that the head of counterintelligence at the FBI advised him to not mention the Trump-Russia investigation to Congress. Not many thought much of this, but I think it raises incredibly important questions.

Why didn’t he want it mentioned to Congress? Congress has congressional oversight over the FBI by which they are required to disclose this type of information. Additionally, was Comey throwing Preistapp under the bus at that moment by trying to put the blame on his fellow agent? We all can see now why the FBI would want this hidden since they used the disproven, salacious dossier as creditable evidence to obtain the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. They conveniently left out the fact that the dossier was paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign. They also failed to disclose that the facts in the dossier had not been proven true.

So why haven’t we heard of Bill Presitap? He would have known and/or must have approved all the FBI’s moves in this investigation. Common sense would suggests that he has been instructed to not speak on the matter because he is cooperating with investigators and singing like a bird to blow the cover off the FBI’s partisan witch hunt.

We know from all the text messages between Strzok and Page just how determined they were that Trump not get elected or remain President. We know that McCabe and Comey agreed, and we also know that key people in the DOJ also shared those views since Bruce and Nellie Ohr were directly involved with helping Fusion GPS create the dossier and opposition research against then candidate Trump.

It seems to be that the FBI is in a whole lot of hot water as more information is being revealed. Hopefully however, we have a bird inside the FBI that loves to sing the truth.

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