If You Want the Truth, America First Media Group!

With so many topics to write about I’m feeling overwhelmed on where to start. The government shut down, the memo about the FISA report, Trump’s one-year anniversary, California’s crazy idea of splitting their state in half, anti-Trump marches, DACA, immigration reform and many more topics; it’s been hard to stream line my thoughts and decide what area to concentrate on. However, after listening to the Sunday night Matt and Blue show, it became clear, blog about America First Media group and the great job they are doing. Help get the word out about these guys and support fellow American’s that are also trying to make a difference; trying to expose the truth via independent media. Something positive for once instead of negative topics week after week.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that I fill much of my day watching politics on YouTube, so it was a matter of time before I stumbled on one of America’s First Media’s videos. It is so refreshing for me to find other Americans that share my conservative values and that are proactively speaking out about what’s going on in our country. However, these guys are doing much more than just talking or writing about our current situations. They have assembled a team of amazing patriots filled with a wide array of unquestionable talent in law enforcement, private investigating and military experience. Matt Couch, who has a background in media and radio, is the voice of the group and has effectively used many social media platforms, like YouTube, Twitter, Periscope and Facebook, to keep their followers updated on what the team is working on, as well as the occasional much needed pro America pep talk. Their team has been heavily involved in investigating the Seth Rich murder as well as the Las Vegas massacre, two events that clearly the mainstream media and government would like the American people to forget but two events where finding out the truth is imperative in order for this country to heal from such tragedies. These guys literally represent the last hope of justice for these victims, an important mission for the many of us that have been following these cases. We all know there is much more to these cases than what we have been told by the press, this should be a concern for all Americans, regardless of what side you are on.

Although the group is fairly new, about a year I believe, they have been successful in attracting a large group of followers. With their pro-America, pro-Trump message, many Americans who are looking for a media outlet they can trust, AFM fits the bill. They call themselves “truth seekers” and have adopted the phrase “facts over feelings”, a slogan that has caught on with most of their fans, including myself. These guys are completely self-funded and depend on public donations to help fund their work, because of that, they have made significant personal sacrifices to keep these stories alive, like the Seth Rich murder for example. It is very clear from listening to them, they share a loyalty and love for our county, passionate about the work they are doing.
If you haven’t listened to one of their videos or read any of their tweets, I encourage you to check them out and get behind these guys. For those of us that are sick of government corruption and want to keep the left out of power, we need to band together and fight. This team has a good start in that direction and they most definitely are ready to fight on behalf of Americans getting the truth. Great job guys!



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