Free Radical

“I am not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers.

We are the President.”

Hillary Clinton

It is no secret that my opinion of the current democratic candidate is not positive. Most would probably assume my negative opinion of Hillary Clinton is a result of her email and Clinton Foundation scandals that have dominated the news in the last few years, but actually it goes back much further.  There is no doubt,  this election season has brought to light some new, very disturbing things she has done, but they are only the tip of the iceberg of all her criminal, controversial  and unethical behaviors of most of her adult life. I am also sure most of you are aware of the long list of scandals she has under her belt, but I bet there are some things you might not know about the woman who would like to be the President of the United States.  It might not surprise you to know that I have not trusted and disliked the Clintons since 1998.

The day I saw Bill Clinton point his finger into the living room of every American family on national TV and straight up lie, I knew this was a man I could no longer respect, despite the fact that he was the President.  At the time, people asked me why I was so upset, politicians lie and cheat on their wives, they would say.  I thought to myself,” what is wrong with these people? Does that make it ok? ” If there is one thing I learned from my mother growing up it was, it does not matter how many people are doing the wrong thing, you still do not condone or accept doing the wrong thing. If I heard it once, I heard it a million times, “I don’t care what everyone else is doing, you are not doing it,” or “I don’t care if your friends did not get in trouble for lying to their parents, you lied to me and now you are grounded.” She was right too. When people become numb or indifferent to bad conduct and accept it as the norm, what happens to the moral fabric of our society? The fact that many Americans made excuses for him made me even more disgusted.  Although, they may be right and it may be the case in many situations (I do not know the personal lives of all past presidents), what I did know was that our current President stuck his finger in my face with dead set eyes and flat lied to me. That pissed me off.  I wondered that day, if he could bold face lie so easily to all the people he was elected to represent, what else would he do, what would she do?  That question started my adventure in researching the Clintons back in 1999.

The first movie I saw was called The Clinton Chronicles which was released in 1994, years before the Lewinsky scandal and many years before the huge list of scandals that most of know about now. This movie documented the corruption that the Clintons had already been involved in back in Arkansas. It blew my mind, and I encourage you to watch it.  It would take me weeks to write about the laundry list of corruption that have surrounded the Clintons over the last several decades, however I do think it is important to remind my readers of some of the big scandals, throw out some you might not know about and top it off with some of her incredible lies.

So let’s take a walk through Hillary’s criminal memory lane, lets go beyond her recent scandals of constantly dripping emails, Benghazi, complicated pay to play dealings revolving around the her so called charity foundation, or the Libya situation otherwise known as “Hillary’s War.” Let’s start with Travelgate where she falsely accused a man of embezzling money in order to bring her friends into the Whitehouse and give them jobs. Thankfully, the innocent man, Billy Dale, was found not guilty and in less than 2 hours of deliberations I might add. Almost everyone involved concluded Hillary had made up the accusations and as a result ruined Billy Dale’s life.  Remember Cattlegate, where she invested $1000 which turned into $100,000 in less than a year, look that one up for a good read!  Next, I am sure you remember hearing about Watergate when she worked on the Nixon case, it has been reported by many that she was fired for being an unethical and dishonest attorney for hiding relevant documents.  Then in the Whitewater case, a secret service agent testified under oath in 1995 that she removed case documents from Vince Foster’s office. In 1996, William Safire with the New York Times, who had previously endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992, wrote that many Americans were coming to the “sad realization that our first lady—a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model  for many in her generation—is a congenital liar.”  Missing documents, lies, is this sounding familiar yet? Speaking of lying, Bosnia was quite a fib, claiming she landed under sniper fire and had to run for cover. Unfortunately for her, the video of her taking pictures with school children on the tarmac ruined that one. Let’s not forget Chinagate, the most serious scandal in US history with Hillary right in the middle of it.  If you do not know the story on that one I suggest looking it up as well. At the end of the day 120 people connected to Chinagate either fled the country or pleaded the fifth, and of course there were the missing documents and witnesses that died in a plane crash, you know, the usual.  Then there is the long list of Bill’s women who he had affairs with or who have accused him of sexual assault and rape. Most of them have testified or stated that Hillary harassed, threatened and launched smear campaigns against them, even breaking into their houses. There are many others such as the questionable death of Vince Foster, numerous people that went to jail like Norman Hsu, Charlie Trie and Peter Paul were all involved with her campaigns. Then you have her ties with many people that were known Communist. The group of Puerto Rican terrorist she got Bill to pardon as well the case of Malachy Allister, an Irish terrorist, she so kindly helped out.  Of course do not forget her best friend Huma Abdein’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which should definitely raise concern. Surprisingly, those are just a few and, to use Hillary’s words, “old news.” So let me throw out some other unsettling things about her past you might not know.

First l will start with her friend and mentor that she wrote her 92 page thesis on, Saul Alinsky. Alinsky wrote a book called Rules for Radicals in which he literally dedicated to Lucifer! He called himself a community organizer while teaching young liberals to steal and create civil unrest. Hillary was fascinated with Alinsky so much so that David Brock wrote a biography on Alinsky titled The Seduction of Hillary Rodham.  Another of Hillary’s appalling individuals who she holds in high regards is Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood and a well known racist. She spoke at KKK rallies and said “colored people are like weeds and need to be exterminated.”  Hillary has publically praised Sanger and what she stood for on several occasions, saying, “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously. Her courage, her tenacity, her vision… there are a lot of lessons we can learn from her life, from the causes she launched and fought for and scarified so greatly.”  Clearly, Hillary’s idea of quality characters is far different than mine.  However, Alinsky and Sanger are only two of a long list of disturbing people that Hillary associated herself with. Her first internship as a new attorney was with an extremely liberal firm, Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein. Treuhaft said she choose them because they were known as a “movement firm.” I would agree since they were members of the communist party in California and defended groups like the Black Panthers, Angie Davis and other radical organizations. Ronald Reagan banned Davis from teaching at any university because of her communist, militant beliefs. Burnstein was a defender of the communists in Vietnam and a staunch defender of the radical left.  Interesting firm to pick, don’t you think? Speaking of her attorney days, she successfully defended a child rapist and laughed about it and a 300 pound man for beating his girlfriend. Her claim to be the candidate for women is ridiculous when you look at those cases along with bullying Bill’s victims.  After college she embraced the PLO, Palestinian Liberation Organization and praised Yasser Arafat; calling him a freedom fighter trying to free his people from evil Israel.  A little known story is that Hillary went to a friend’s house one night and saw they had a menorah displayed in the window. She wouldn’t get out of the car and Bill was quoted saying, “I’m sorry, but Hillary is really tight with the people in the PLO in New York, they’re friends of hers and she just doesn’t feel right about the menorah.” Another one of Hillary’s buddies was Hassan Nemazee, her national campaign finance director, that is until he pleaded guilty to a fraud scheme involving hundreds of millions. He was also tied to many other questionable scandals such as scouring cemeteries for dead votes.  One of my favorite Hillary lies has to be when she said that she was named after Edmund Hillary, who is famous for reaching the summit of Mount Everest. The problem is he accomplished that amazing feat on May 29, 1953 and Hillary would have been almost 6yrs old considering she was born in 1947.

I could go on but I think you get the point. Hillary, besides her endless bad decision making, countless memory lapses and frequent poor judge of company, indisputably has an aversion for the truth. She does have one accomplishment that comes to mind though, she was the first presidential spouse to be subpoenaed and they both are the first and only couple to be fingerprinted by the FBI.  That should count for something, what do you think?



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