An Unconventional Convention


“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
                                                            Thomas Jefferson
I think most of us agree that our government has been taking us down a dangerous road. The national debt has risen to $17 trillion and we realistically owe around $100 trillion in social security and other government programs. This leaves our children and the following generations with a debt than they will most likely not be able to recover from. The abuse of power, especially at the executive level, is reckless and often the result of more than just bad policy. Corruption has infiltrated Washington and our liberties are in jeopardy if this continues. Vague misinterpretations of our Constitution by the Supreme Court have only complicated the problem, and the problem is big. We need a big solution. Fortunately, Michael Farris, founded a group called Citizens for Self Governance and hence was born the Convention of States Project. They saw the immediate need to rein back the authority of the federal government and bring back the power to the people where it belongs.

The federal government is slowly but effectively seizing power from the states which threatens the freedom of the America people. It is the responsibility of the states and the people to take it back. Thankfully, the founding fathers of our great nation gave us the tool to do just that. Article V of the Constitution allows the state to elect state legislators and the ability to call a convention to introduce and ratify amendments to the Constitution. The outcome will restore a balance in Washington and return the fate of the country back to the American peoples’ hands.

The Convention of States Project starts with us; the people, the grassroots. The plan consists of getting most of the states onboard, at least 40, to call a convention where each state is present and the people are represented by their elected state legislators. In order for this to happen, they need to build a grassroots political army across the nation to implement change in Washington that the current government cannot ignore. This is a constitutional right and a legal way to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.  As long as the states apply correctly and follow the rules in Article V, congress cannot block the convention nor have any control over the delegates. The states are also able to choose the method of how they select their delegates, or commissioners. The commissioners from each participating state would then write, discuss, and vote on amendments they feel are needed to help restore power back to the people. According to Article V, 38 states must agree on the amendments in order to become part of our Constitution. Although this has never been done before, the creators of the Convention of States project have done immense historical research and know it can be successful based on the fact that interstate conventions were common while America was being founded and the rules are universally received.

The type of amendments that the states (the people) could propose is vast.  A few examples are: a balance budget amendment, imposing term limits on the Supreme Court and congress, fairer taxes, redefining the Commerce Clause and limitations on using Executive Orders. I think we can all agree there are serious problems with all of the above.
So what can you do?  As I said before, this is a grassroots project. The people are the answer. I am not talking about just state legislators or professional politicians; I am referring to you, me,  and every American that believes our country is in peril. The COS organizers are looking for thousands of volunteers, district captains, and Americans nationwide to support the project in any way they can. There is a petition online that you can sign, or emailing your state representatives, talking to your neighbors and staying current with the project’s process. Michael Farris, who has 30 years of grassroots leadership and activism experience in a all 50 states, along with Mark Meckler, founder of the Tea Party Patriots, encourage everyone to join this important movement.
The Convention of States Project has a wonderfully informative and interactive website that will answer any question you could have as well as contact information for the project and state representatives. The site also has numerous videos about the project, a volunteer sign-up link, a COS merchandise store and much more. I’ve attached the link below and encourage everyone to check it out as well as their Facebook page. This project, in my opinion, is enormously important and requires all of us to come together and protect our county, ourselves, and future generations from a government that has gotten too big and too powerful. The founders did not intend for the government to be this controlling and we have to join together, speak up, and tell Washington that their abuse of power has ended and that they work for us.
Will you join me in helping the Convention of States Project in this crucial historical event?


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