Free Radical

“I am not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers.

We are the President.”

Hillary Clinton

It is no secret that my opinion of the current democratic candidate is not positive. Most would probably assume my negative opinion of Hillary Clinton is a result of her email and Clinton Foundation scandals that have dominated the news in the last few years, but actually it goes back much further.  There is no doubt,  this election season has brought to light some new, very disturbing things she has done, but they are only the tip of the iceberg of all her criminal, controversial  and unethical behaviors of most of her adult life. I am also sure most of you are aware of the long list of scandals she has under her belt, but I bet there are some things you might not know about the woman who would like to be the President of the United States.  It might not surprise you to know that I have not trusted and disliked the Clintons since 1998.

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The Wonderful Hero of Oz…

Writing and reading about politics as much as I do has really taught me that things are not always fair and that people in the political arena will let you down. I realize I have pretty high standards for the people I think should be in charge of our great nation, but lately just the basic traits of honesty and decency seems too much to ask.  Power clearly breeds corruption and as of late, power seems to be mating in overdrive. 

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A Tale of Two Friends


Along the way, they both encounter a large crack in the sidewalk. They pause and examine the obstacle. The conservative runs and jumps over the crack. He twists his ankle a bit, but he’ll be ok. The liberal is reluctant to risk injury so he calls the government to ask for assistance. A government representative shows up and promptly offers to hold his hand as he jumps and thereby help him cross…for a $10 fee of course. The liberal agrees and the government representative holds his hand as he jumps. He makes it across unscathed. Read more

Another disgusting headline…

Once again I am disgusted with another headline of an atrocious decision caused by an idiot of the left.  And once again, I find myself torn between my mature and compassionate side thinking “ooh those poor people,” with my immature and vindictive “ha ha, y’all screwed up again” side that wants to rub it in the person’s face who posted it. Thankfully my opposing sides compromise and I usually can find a more adult like demeanor when expressing my thoughts.  The irony of the whole thing is that most of these articles are posted by liberal friends on Facebook (because it makes them FEEL bad of course) and they don’t even realize that their left wing policies and politicians they support so passionately are the ones that are responsible for the story they are so upset about. Go figure.

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Lies, Lies and False Alibies

th6KL1HKT0 - CopyIt’s amazing the amount of people that have been sucked into the Clinton crime machine.  The many so called journalists of mainstream media, the aids, the staff at the state department, the DOJ, the FBI agents, members of Congress, and of course don’t forget about the Whitehouse staff and the President himself.  That is some special power to have over people. To be able to change people in such a way that they abandon all logic, common sense and forget that they had any morals and ethics before infected with Clintonitis.  Is it literally a power from a dark side, is it the lure of money, are they being blackmailed, are they brainwashed or just good old fear that they might mysteriously die by “suicide”, single engine airplane crash, or freakishly drop a dumb bell on their throat?  To have the power to corrupt so many people so many times is very unsettling and tells me that there is more wrong with America these days then just the Clintons.

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