These Boots are Made for Walking…Away

The #walkaway movement is gaining strength! The guy in the video is African American, homosexual, and he, like many others, is waking up to the truth. Thank goodness. The Left’s strategy of treating people like victims and using them for votes is fizzling out.

For those that are walking away or considering it, here are a few things to expect:

We won’t give you health care and college for free, but we will help build an economy that will allow you to afford it.

We won’t designate safe spaces where people can color and hide from different opinions, but we try to raise confident, tolerant, respectful children that will allow you to speak and respect your right to your opinions.

We won’t sacrifice the strength of our military, but we will continue to strengthen our military because we realize a strong military is the best way to avoid war.

We won’t try and take away your Constitutional right to own a gun, but we will work to secure our borders and support all areas of law enforcement so we are all safer.

We won’t pander to you as a victim based on race or religion, but we will look at the content of your character regardless of color, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.

We won’t encourage or enable you to be dependent on the government for food and shelter, but we will build companies, create jobs and wealth through capitalism so you won’t need to be.

We won’t agree to play along with delusions that biology and proven science are subjective, but we will respect your right to be your own person and live your life on your terms.

We won’t lower test scores or give jobs to less qualified applicants based on skin color, but we will continue to believe that doing so is a racist approach – in our view, people are people, we are all equals with the same capabilities.

We won’t try and convince you that the government needs to take more of your hard earned money, but we will continue to support tax cuts and understand you have a right to as much of your money as possible…and your money IS NOT crumbs.

We won’t try and create hysteria and false narratives when we lose an election to damage a fairly elected official, but we will strive to elect people that believe in the Constitution, support our values, and love America.

We won’t ignore the opportunity to negotiate peace with foreign adversaries when given the chance, but we will be strong and enforce any red lines we draw.

We won’t stop helping less fortunate people and people in need around the world, but we will try to encourage unstable and failing countries that a democratic republic is the most successful form of government, and liberate their citizens.

We won’t turn our back on immigrants, but we will vet them and insist they follow the law when coming into our country so that we protect our citizens first.

To Rob and all the thousands of others who have joined #walkaway, welcome to the RIGHT side.

There is a reason its called the Right and why thousands on the Left… just left. 😉

The Rats are Running

Well it looks like the American people will finally get to see the infamous FISA memo written by Devon Nunes. Congress voted Monday night to release the memo and now it has made its way to President Trump’s desk for his signature. Following President Trump’s approval, it can then officially be released to the public. According to Sean Hannity, Trump will agree to release it later this week and to no surprise, the Dems are freaking out. After all, it will expose the corruption enbedded deep within the Democratic Party. Read more

Secret Socities and Huge Improprieties

Secret Societies and Huge Improprieties

Well, what do you know, the premier law enforcement agency in the world has let the American people down again. The last major scandal involving the FBI and DOJ regarding the Hillary email investigation left a bad taste in most American’s mouths. I think most of us were hoping that, after Jim Comey got out of office and the Obama Department of Justice led by Loretta Lynch were gone, we would see the bureau return to the FBI that we’ve always respected. Unfortunately, it seems to have taken a turn for the worst. In these past two weeks we have learned some quite disappointing facts about how there were top level agents conspiring against Trump, spying on him, lying about him and planning a plot to destroy his presidency by spreading a fake story of him colluding with Russia during his campaign. In fact, high level senior agents, according to an email between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, confessed that the FBI actually had formed a secret society of anti-Trump agents. Not only that, the most sophisticated crime fighting agency in the world happen to “lose” the incremating emails. It is awfully suspicious that these particular emails were lost during the time period that led up to the special prosecutor Robert Mueller getting appointed to investigate possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. I call that pretty convenient and seems to be a pattern with Hillary and anyone in her circle.

All this news catapulted from the now infamous memo, written by Devon Nunes the Republican Congressman from California that is chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The memo, according to many that have read it, says the FBI and DOJ abused the FISA court by using a bogus dossier to get a warrant to spy on Trump and other members of his campaign. The hashtag #releasethememo has been trending on Twitter since Congressman Nunes announced that the had concluded his investigation.

All of this, the leaked and lost emails, the memo, and more importantly the lack of interest in reading the memo themselves along with lame excuses made by the left make this whole situation stink of corruption. Diane Feinstein and Adam Schiff actually had the nerve to blame Facebook and Twitter, sighting they have allowed Russian bots to infiltrate social media thereby influencing the American people. Just another typical spin by the Democrats to try and divert attention elsewhere and hide another mess from the Obama administration. They need to just come clean and realize the American people aren’t buying it anymore and understand we are on to them. People need to lose their jobs and most likely go to prison. Violating an American citizen’s privacy, especially a competing candidate during a presidential campaign should upset everyone. That kind of impropriety rocks the core of what our county is built upon. These kind of violations can not happen in a democracy and these people must be made accountable. That’s the only way to restore the American citizen’s faith in our government and the people that we elect to protect us in a fair and unbiased way.

They’ve Lied, Cried, and Modified.. but All Their Stories Have Died

Well after a long stretch of being consumed with politics 24/7 during the election period, I took a break from blogging to clear my head. I was so outspoken in my daily life along with obessingly filling my Facebook with articles, blogs, videos and memes of how awful Hillary was, I was driving people around me nuts not to mention losing a few liberal friends on Facebook. However, thankfully Hillary lost, and I could relax knowing that Trump was in office and things would calm down…so I thought.
I shouldn’t have been surprised that she didn’t go away gracefully and instead proceeded to launch a full blown bogus campaign to delegalize Trump’s victory, that’s the Clintons m-o, they love and have perfected the smear campaign. The whole Russia collusion narrative was planned all along, just in case, insurance if you will. I knew it wasn’t true since day one, Hillary is WAY too arrogant to think she could have lost due to her own faults and for the simple reason she is an awful human being and unlikable. But, after almost a year and millions of tax payer dollars funding this witch hunt, the Dems still haven’t given up, changed talking points every few months, but still haven’t given up on their destroy Trump mission. It is embarrassing as Americans to have leaders of a major political party and our main stream media acting like spoiled children that didn’t get their way. They’ve lied, cried (literally), protested, boycotted, threatened, and thrown tantrums over the result of this last election all while their flawed candidate took a trip around the world selling her book filled with tons of excuses of why she lost. Ironically, the book had the question and the answer of why she lost right on the cover: What Happened? Hillary Clinton. There you go, what happened? you happened Hillary, so get over it. Going away like a gracefully loser is way too much to ask however, they would rather drag the American people through the mud for a couple of years than let this county grow and heal from a scandalous exhausting primary and general election period. Trump, however, has stuck to his promises and weathered through the constant attacks, false narratives and fake news, and has had a pretty productive year non-the-less. The economy is soaring, stock market has reached record levels, ISIS is all but destroyed, unemployment is down considerably, a huge tax break has been passed into law that will allow companies more room to pay their employees higher wages or bonuses and working Americans will see more money on their paychecks starting in 2018. Most importantly, no more penalty for not having health insurance. Even though they didn’t get health care completely repealed and replaced, Obamacare is being unraveled. Trump, even with his raw comments and often unpopular tweets, is doing what he promised to do…making America great again. That’s exactly what the Dems are so afraid of, people’s lives are getting better, so they look more and more like fools for all the false accusations and fake news spewed about him. The midterm elections are going to be tough, they historically are for the party in charge, however I’m confident despite the lefts effort to make this administration look bad, that Americans will see his progress and understand he is doing what is best for the American people because he cares about the American people’s lives. Unlike the Dem’s that just care about the votes to stay in power. The lefts policies hold people down, they are un-American, immoral and corrupt. There is a reason the right is call the RIGHT.

Election Objection


Ever since Trump won the election on November 8th, the Left has been going nuts trying to find any way to discredit his win. One excuse they have passionately used is that he should not have won because Hillary won the popular vote and therefore she is the legitimate winner. In the aftermath of the election, many believe we should do away with our process, the electoral college. Before I share why the electoral college is the best process, everyone must understand how the electoral college works; a quick civics lesson if you will.

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Pride or Protest?

I came across this video of the pre- Inauguration party at the Lincoln Memorial from earlier today, and, of course, I watched it. I stood in the kitchen and listened to our military play our National Anthem, watched the Presentation of Colors, listened to the incredible Sam Moore sing God Bless America, and watched the Old Army Band play classics from the Revolution – all with the breathtaking statue of Lincoln in the background. I caught myself smiling and having an overwhelming feeling of pride rush over me.

Our country and these coveted traditions surrounding the Presidential Inauguration are amazing. The American people should be swept up in American pride regardless of who won because at the end of the day, we are all Americans and we are all in this together. Earlier, I watched some of the anti-Trump protests and video after video of people filled with anger and hate. It made me angry. It made me angry that some of our own elected legislators are leading this movement of hate and anger and anti-American behavior.

As I watched the iconic patriotic traditions and listened to songs about how truly special our country is and how lucky we are, my anger for these hatemongering souls turned to sadness for them. Yes, you have me on record for feeling sorry for the left. They are so consumed with anger from their own false rhetoric and believing so many lies, they are lost and have forgotten what it means to live in the greatest country in the world. More importantly, I felt bad for them. They chose to be angry and intolerant, and they are missing the experience of this historical and beautiful time and what it means to be an American.

Whether they are there at the ceremonies in D.C. or standing in their kitchen like I was, experiencing these awesome feelings of American pride is something no American should want to miss. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. If the shoe was on the other foot, it wouldn’t change. No potential President Elect, not even Hillary, would steal that from me. In many countries people don’t get to choose their leaders. We are blessed to have the freedom to freely elect our leaders, but with this blessing comes the price that sometimes someone who wasn’t our choice will be elected. There and will always be winners and always be losers , but, in the end, we will always be Americans…and I think that make us all winners.






An Unconventional Convention


“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
                                                            Thomas Jefferson
I think most of us agree that our government has been taking us down a dangerous road. The national debt has risen to $17 trillion and we realistically owe around $100 trillion in social security and other government programs. This leaves our children and the following generations with a debt than they will most likely not be able to recover from. The abuse of power, especially at the executive level, is reckless and often the result of more than just bad policy. Corruption has infiltrated Washington and our liberties are in jeopardy if this continues. Vague misinterpretations of our Constitution by the Supreme Court have only complicated the problem, and the problem is big. We need a big solution. Fortunately, Michael Farris, founded a group called Citizens for Self Governance and hence was born the Convention of States Project. They saw the immediate need to rein back the authority of the federal government and bring back the power to the people where it belongs.

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