Another disgusting headline…

Once again I am disgusted with another headline of an atrocious decision caused by an idiot of the left.  And once again, I find myself torn between my mature and compassionate side thinking “ooh those poor people,” with my immature and vindictive “ha ha, y’all screwed up again” side that wants to rub it in the person’s face who posted it. Thankfully my opposing sides compromise and I usually can find a more adult like demeanor when expressing my thoughts.  The irony of the whole thing is that most of these articles are posted by liberal friends on Facebook (because it makes them FEEL bad of course) and they don’t even realize that their left wing policies and politicians they support so passionately are the ones that are responsible for the story they are so upset about. Go figure.

For example, today I saw a Facebook post from one of my liberal friends  that she was clearly upset about, as well should be. Let me first say that this person and I have known each other since childhood and although we intensely differ in our view of politics, I still consider her a dear friend and think she is a very good person.  To my surprise, this particular story, I found myself actually agreeing with her post.  The story was about the Judge in Massachusetts that just sentenced a college rapist, David Becker, to just probation. He has to serve no jail time, he doesn’t have to pay any fine and doesn’t even have to register as a sexual offender.  Becker was accused of raping TWO college girls that were unconscious at a  party and eventually plead guilty to lesser charges, in other words admitting his guilt.  The post itself was clearly disturbing in recounting all of the details as well as the reasons why Judge Thomas Estes let him off the hook, but it was my friend’s words at the top that actually led me to look into the story even more. Unfortunately these days those stories are all too common but this one I thought might just serve as a good example of what the liberal mentality gets us.  Her words were: “We have the society we demand. Let’s demand more.”  Well, holy moly, she and I agree for once!  We certainly do get what we demand and yes, lets demand more!  So lets just see what the society is that lead up to this unjust decision.  First, Massachusetts, the state where this case took place, is unquestionably a left leaning state.  Jim O’Sullivan with The Boston Globe wrote and article on July 31,2014 titled: “Massachusetts: even more liberal than you thought” and nicknamed it “Taxachussets.” Second, the person that we are so upset with, Judge Estes, was nominated by former Governor Deval Patrick, a democrat, in 2014 and confirmed by the Governor’s council lead by Michael Albano, a democrat.  Albano was quoted saying that Estes is “a perfect fit” when appointed even though he is now saying that he never met him before the hearing and knew nothing about him.  Sound familiar? After the story was reported by an online newspaper called The Republican, an online petition was set up to have him removed from the bench and  Albano is calling for a judiciary review of the Judge’s sentencing. Hmm, I wonder if that has anything to do with him running for the Hampden County Sheriff position? Well we do know one thing, that postion will be filled with yet another democrat since all three running sit on the left. Clearly this Judge was thinking about the attackers feelings, he did after all say he wanted to be a judge so he could help people. Is that the role of a Judge? My bad, I thought it was to dispense justice according to the law. I wonder how the victims felt, did he help them?  These atrocities are the results of when a left leaning state fills their bench with left leaning judges. I guess they want to screw it up more by throwing in a left leaning Sheriff in the mix.  Maybe they can provide a “safe space” for rape victims and heck, maybe one for their attackers too.  (FYI, Liberals, I’m joking, I don’t want credit for that idea.)

Note to self…don’t move to Massachusetts, its been liberally infected.

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