Sadistic Statistics

If these FACTS don’t make you question what we are told, then I guess we are done…

1. FACT- I know more people currently with Covid that are vaccinated than I do that are unvax’d.

2. FACT- I know over 100 people that were better within hours to a couple of days or never got it sick by using Ivermectin.

3. FACT- Doctors are just people too. They can make mistakes, be mislead, be bribed, be uninformed, be too busy to keep up with latest research, be lazy or trust in agencies that we are supposed to be able to trust. I do believe most are good and care about their patients, but just remember the ones in charge of our health, be it doctors, agencies or government officials, have let 700,000 Americans die of a treatable virus. Think about who you listen to, ask questions and do your own research. If we don’t start taking our health into our own hands and looking out for each other, we are goners.

4. FACT- As of May, the CDC changed the way they count covid cases. They only count a covid case of a vaccinated person if the person is hospitalized or died. So vaccinated people who get covid don’t count. Talk about deception. It’s right on the CDC website for you to read .

4. FACT- The virus is not only not novel, it’s not natural. There are 73 US patents to prove that.

5. FACT- Never in American history has the media and the government pushed an UNAPPROVED “vaccine “ on people to the point where they have offered to pay people or enter them in sweepstakes to take it. Isn’t that strange?

6. The biggest vaccine pusher there is, Bill Gates, one of his favorite books of all times is called “How to Lie With Statistics” by Darrell Nuff. It’s on Bill’s list of 15 must read books.

7. The media, pharm companies, big tech and the government have changed their stance, advice, statistics and facts continuously since the pandemic started. If people still want to believe what they say and take their advice, go ahead, but something inside of you has to be at least questioning a 2yr string or lies and manipulations. Question why there is another surge of covid cases after their amazing vaccine is available. Why is that?

You don’t have to take my word for this, everything I’ve said is easily provable. I have no motive to lie to people. I love my fellow Americans. Anyone who knows me know that I spend most of my time doing charity work and the rest of my time studying this virus from the science, the origins, the vaccines, the money and the people behind it. I lost my dad in highschool and my daughter died very young so I understand pain and loss all too well. I so damn sick and tired of seeing my friends, family and people in general suffering , scared and grieving. It’s our time to call bullshit on these elite evil liars.

We are being lied to daily. Medical opinions, experts/doctors/scientists and studies are being censored.

Mass vaccination campaigns in the middle of a pandemic will only cause the virus to mutate and their “so called vaccines” will make things worse, and it has, and they knew this.

I’m not telling you what to do, it’s your body and health. I just want to remind people the facts and suggest that you question the motives of a group of proven liars that are so desperately trying to inject you with an unproven biological agent that people are getting sick and dying from. There are working treatments.
Just think about it please.

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