We Aren’t Tired of Winning

THIS IS SOME AMAZING NEWS!!! Humor me and read on…

If you are an American and love this country, regardless of which side of the political aisle you reside, you will be so happy to read my post. The main stream media will not bring you the facts, so I will. I’ll take the time to do the research so that at least my followers can know what’s happening in our country and hopefully share with their friends.

I’m happy to announce … AMERICA IS BACK AND WE ARE WINNING! Not my opinion, but based on the facts, which I will list for you below. I realize for some, that statement bothers you. I realize some hate the President and seeing the great things he is doing to make our lives better just might get under your skin. I don’t like being wrong either, but sometimes we are, that’s life. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself : Do you hate Trump more than you love your country? If so, isn’t that wrong? Isn’t that immature and unAmerican?

The fact is he is doing a great job which doesn’t fit the Lefts narrative and threatens the Lefts popularity. It’s clear the Left was really hoping he would fail. However, he hasn’t failed but instead prevailed and has made our country more wealthy, safer and more respected around the world. He has done this by governing with a simple yet powerful motto- PUT AMERICA AND AMERICANS FIRST! ALL AMERICANS!

Now it’s no secret which side of the political spectrum I stand so I’m not going to list a bunch of statements that are just my opinion. Instead I’m going to get real specific and list factual statements with details from my research.

Y’all ready? Prepare to be excited!

1. We have had an economic turn around of HISTORIC proportions. The 2nd quarter numbers came out today and our GDP growth is 4.1%, the highest growth rate in over a decade. Three points higher than the last 2 administrations. Each point represents $3 trillion dollars back in our economy and 10 million new jobs, each point! We are on track to double the size of our economy in 10yrs. That is HUGE and GOOD FOR ALL AMERICANS!

2. The trade deficit is down $52 billion with this administration.

3. $7 trillion in new wealth has been created since Trump took office

4. We are the economic envy of the entire world and many foreign leaders have openly said and congratulated us on that. That means America is being RESPECTED again because America is leading again which makes us safer again.

5. Since the election, 3.7 million new jobs have been created; the largest and fastest job growth in our HISTORY.

6. The overall unemployment rate is at the lowest it’s been in almost 1/2 a century.

7. The African American unemployment level is at the lowest it’s been in our country’s HISTORY!

8. The Hispanic unemployment level is at the lowest it’s been in our country’s HISTORY!

9. The Asian unemployment level is at the lowest it’s been in our country’s HISTORY!

10. The women’s unemployment level is at the lowest it’s been in 65 yrs and dropping.

11. The Veteran’s unemployment level is at the lowest it’s been in 18yrs and dropping.

12. Since this administration took office, 3.5 million Americans are now off food stamps!

( The next time you hear some political joke on CNN or NBC tell you he is a racist or sexist or whatever else they lie about, remember those numbers! They are lying to you, making fools of you and banking on their sheep wont know the truth.)

I’ll continue…

13. Manufacturing and the steel industry are back and back with a vengeance. 95% of manufacturing companies have an optimistic outlook for their future. A brand new plant has opened with 7 more plants in the works to make American steel.

14. There has been millions of new manufacturing jobs created, an incredibly positive thing for regular middle class Americans. Not to mention, manufacturing job wages have risen the fastest in 17 yrs.

15. American exports rose 20% this past year.

16. America is again now a net exporter of natural gas, which we haven’t been since 1957. This is due to the elimination of many unnecessary regulations.

17. Millions of Americans have received raises, gotten unexpected bonuses and gotten new jobs because of this administrations historic and biggest tax cut laws that has been implemented in decades. After the first 3 months of
Trumps new tax cuts, $300 billion has come back from overseas into our economy. Sorry Nancy, those aren’t crumbs.

18. Unfair foreign trade policies have been renegotiated so America isn’t getting completely abused. We were being taken to cleaners by many other countries, enemies and allies alike.

19. The individual mandate is gone. You no longer have to pay a fine to the government because you couldn’t afford health insurance. New affordable health insurance plans are in the works that has initiated competition between insurance companies, which means better deals for the consumer.

20. In the process of negotiations with 2 of our most dangerous adversaries regarding denuclearization and changing the relationships we have with North Korea and Russia in order to promote world peace.

AND AS WE SPEAK, there is a plane flying here from North Korea that is returning several bodies of American soldiers that was lost during the Korean War. Kim Jong-un is keeping one of his promises he made to our President. That’s a good sign.

These are wins of historic measures. All Americans should be elated that our country’s economy is soaring, that we are getting more and more safe from foreign adversaries and that we are respected again because we have a President that does what he says, won’t be pushed around and wants what’s best for all Americans. Is he perfect? Of course not, he is human. Does he say things that make me shake my head sometimes? Of course he does, he is human. Do I care? Based on the what I’ve written above…fuck no! His actions and his policies speak for themselves . That’s why I think the #walkaway movement is gaining ground, that’s why his approval numbers continue to rise. That’s why, ladies and gentlemen, we elected a business man and not a swampy politician to be President.

We are back, we are strong, WE ARE GREAT AGAIN!


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