The Great Debate

Monday night is the long awaited presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. There are obvious challenges for both candidates to try and win over voters that are still undecided. Trump has to show a calm temperament and not fly off the handle with insults as well as clearly lay out his policy details rather than using just adjectives to describe them. Hillary, on the other hand, has a much bigger challenge in that she will have to try and appear likable and trustworthy, which we all know she is neither. Additionally, she will most likely have to answer questions about her many lies including her email server and, I would assume, Benghazi. Hillary also can not afford to have another coughing fit or show any signs that her health is an issue.

The race is pretty much deadlocked right now and this debate will serve as a major factor for many Americans in deciding who they will vote for this coming November.

Lester Holt, the moderator, is an anchor on NBC Nightly News and has challenges himself including coming across as neutral, controlling the candidates to their time limits, and keeping them from straying off topic. Although NBC is considering a left-leaning station, Holt is a registered Republican. It will be interesting to see if he appears fair even though Clinton’s campaign has already tried to demand that Holt scrutinize all of Trump’s answers, due to the last run-in she had with another NBC reporter, Matt Lauer. If Trump can avoid taking the bait and come across as presidential with clear, concise answers to Holt’s questions, he will have a good chance keeping the momentum going that he had the last few weeks. The task will not be easy however considering that Clinton has been on the debate stand 40 times and her media machine has already labeled Trump as a racist and sexist. It has been rumored that Hillary has invited Mark Cuban, an outspoken Trump critic, to sit on the front row to try and intimate him; however, Trump, being a counter puncher, fought back by inviting Gennifer Flowers, and ex-mistress of her husband, to sit right next to Cuban. There is no question, they have already started playing hardball and that this debate will be nothing short of exciting.

Tonight is perhaps the most anticipated presidential debate in US history so clear your schedule, grab your favorite drink and find a comfy place to watch… let the games are begin.


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