Calling all Texans… Get on board!

Last Tuesday morning I was off to our state capital in Austin to lobby for the Convention of States Project. We went to visit our representatives and senators as well as attended a hearing on Article V.

Most of congress is out of session until January but some of them met today to hear testimony on several issues including Article V. The House passed it last year and the committee members for Article V are all still on board. Now that Gov. Abbott has come out and publicly endorsed COS and has written a book about it, everyone feels strongly that we can get the bills passed this year in both houses. Many states look at Texas as a leader, so once Texas is in, I think many will follow. Article V. states that 34 states in total are needed to move forward with the convention. There is over 90,000 supporters in Texas and well over 1 million across the country. The convention simulation is on the Sept 23rd in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. All 50 states are participating, 3 representatives from each state. If that goes well, like i think it will from what I’ve heard, then it’s just a matter of time before everyone is on board. Regardless of your party affiliation, I don’t think anyone can disagree that the federal government has abused it’s power and manipulated the constitution to fit their agenda. Corruption is spreading through Washington like a virus. Thankfully, we have the vaccine in Article V. Our country is so blessed to have such intelligent Founding Fathers that wrote such an incredible document so that we can live free and protect our liberties.
The Representatives in the hearing today were very touched to see so many concerned, patriotic and passionate Texans from all over the state. As you will hear in the video, they thanked us several times and stated that us being there means so much to them.

I completely believe in this project and I challenge everyone to read about it and support this movement. Tell you friends, family and even strangers to sign the petition, contact their state legislators and help get their state on board. This is our time, as Americans, to stand up and protect this country and future generations. If you have children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces or any child you love, then help the COS project get control of the federal government so that they can have an America in which they can be proud of and live free. This is a grassroots movement, the success depends on the people. This has never been done before but our founders predicted this might happen and the people might have to step in. It is nothing short of historical. Every single one of us can play a part in getting our country back on track and back in the hands of the people.

Like I stated above, Article V states that if 34 states agree there is a problem, then congress has to call a convention of states. Representatives/delegates representing each state go to the convention and submit amendments to ratify the constitution to bring power to the people where it belongs. For an example, one such amendment might be term limits for Supreme Court judges, or another example is a balanced budget amendment, not letting one administration spend so much, or an amendment on executive overreach, not giving one president so much power to override congress and what the people want. Those are a few examples. At the convention a 3/4 majority must agree for the amendment to pass.

It’s a major undertaking and has never been done before but it is the safest and the constitutional way to fix the problem we are having. It’s how the founders intended us to fix the problem should it face us one day.








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