The Constitution Won, As it Should be Done

Regardless on which side of the abortion issue you stand,
The Supreme court is not making a moral opinion, they made the decision based on what the Constitution says, that is how it works. Not on feelings but on what our United States Constitution says.

The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic. That is, we have 50 SOVEREIGN states. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because the people choose elected officials to represent them. They do not give the federal government the power to make blanket decisions as the law of the land.

There are plenty of states that still allows abortion but as you can see the states decisions are representative of the majority of its citizens and when that changes, the voters of that state can change that with whom they elect to represent them.

This is how it is supposed to work and the federal government needs to stay out of our lives and let the state’s citizens decide for themselves were their beliefs and values lie.

People need to stop giving away our freedoms to the federal government and giving it more power, or we are going to end up with socialist/communist country.


Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention the right to abortion.

Hence, the 9th amendment states: the federal government doesn’t own the rights that are not listed in the Constitution, instead, they belong to the people.

People do not even know what they are pissed off about or protesting. They haven’t taken the time to really understand our form of government and what Roe means.

Alabama- the right to abortion is barred under state constitution
Alaska- right to abortion is protected by the state consti.
Arizona-Can have an abortion up to 15 weeks
Arkansas-Already had a near total ban on abortion signed in 2021
California- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Colorado-right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Connecticut- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Delaware- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Florida- can have abortion up to 15 weeks
Georgia-can have an abortion up to 6 weeks
Hawaii- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Idaho-abortion will be illegal
Illinois- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Indiana- right to abortion is neither protected nor barred, to be determined by the citizens
Iowa- can have abortions up to 6 weeks
Kansas-right to abortion is protected but voters will decide on Aug 2nd what they want
Kentucky-abortion will be banned
Louisiana-abortion will be banned
Maine- the right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Maryland- the right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Massachusetts- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Michigan- bans abortion but Gov working to change that
Minnesota- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Mississippi- has a 6 week abortion law already
Missouri- banning abortions
Montana- right to abortion currently protected
Nebraska-is neither protected nor banned, working to pass a ban
Nevada- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
New Hampshire- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
New Jersey- right to an abortion is protected by state consti.
New Mexico-neither protected nor barred , to be determined
New York- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
North Carolina-right to abortion is currently not protected
North Dakota- Banning abortion
Ohio- right to abortion is not protected, to be determined
Oklahoma- already has a near total ban
Oregon- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Pennsylvania- right to abortion is not protected, to be determined
Rhode Island- right to abortion is protected by state consti.
South Carolina- right to abortion is not protected, to be determined
South Dakota-banning abortion
Tennessee-banning abortion
Texas- already has a 6 week ban, banning abortion
Utah-banning abortion
Vermont-right to abortion is protected by state consti.
Virginia-right to abortion is not protected, to be determined by voters
Washington-right to abortion is protected by state consti.
West Virginia-state constitution bars the protection of the right to an abortion
Wisconsin- will go back to their original state law of banning abortion
Wyoming-banning abortion

We have a representative government. People vote on state representatives who then vote on policy that the people that elected them want. The decision belongs to people of each state.

Big federal government = less freedoms
Small federal government= more freedoms

This is America… the home of the free. Keep it that way by following our Constitution.

This is social studies/government 101.

One comment

  • Pat Wright

    Amen! I wish more people would educate themselves about our Republic.

    I hope your clarification will reach a wide audience.

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