Remdesivir, aka… Run-death-is-near

American hospitals today have become death factories. If you have to go because you need oxgyen, have the directives already in place to protect yourself or love one from the DEADLY FDA protocol that hospitals are required and incentivized to use.

This is straight from the Associations of American Physicians and Surgeons website, these are the incentives the hospitals are getting to use this deadly protocol:

1. Added bonus for a Covid 19 diagnosis 2. Another bonus for a Covid 19 admission to the hospital 3. A 20% “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for the use of REMDESIVIR instead of medications like Ivermectin 4. Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a Covid-19 patient is mechanically ventilated 5. More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as Covid even if patient did not die directly of Covid.
6. A Covid diagnosis also provides extra payment s to coroners.

That comes directly from the AAPS website.

Everyday I interview victims of Remdesivir, either the person lost their love one or they barely survived. Its always the same story and outcome… remdesivir immediately after they get admitted to hospital without their consent or being told it is an unapproved drug issued under an EUA by the FDA that has deadly side effects and cost $3000 a dose. The drug had to be removed from the last study for killing too many patients. It is an anti-viral and is being administred to patients that are hospitalized, which in this case the virus is already dead anyway. The outcome is renal failure, sepsis (which they will tell you they got infected by some other bullshit way- but the studies don’t lie, they do), liver damage, heart damage and pulmonary edema (which they will call “Covid Pneumonia” when really your are drowning the patient from the remdesivir by shutting down the kidneys prohibiting fluids to escape.)

The FDA is completely corrupt, the hospitals have been paid off, the doctors and nurses are being threatened or fired or just following orders of the institutions they are supposed to be able to trust.

Watch some of my interviews if you do not believe me, you can find them on,, my youtube, americangranddaughter twitter account , americangranddaughter Bitchute account, or on FB if they havent been taken down. These people deserve to have their stories heard. They have suffered and we all should care.

If you have been a victim or someone you love has been a victim to the fda death protocol, email me at or We have leniency programs for doctors or healthcare workers that are ready to blow the whistle on what they know and have seen . And we are looking for brave attorneys in states around the country to start fighting back and helping victims get justice. Our experienced former prosecutors and attorneys will help guide you in this mission. Brave Americans, please step up.
We also have a support group on Monday nights and would love to get your story on the record.

This is a treatable illness with early and preventive treatments. Follow the FLCCC protocol and if you must go to a hospital go to a FLCCC hospital like UMMC where they use safe and effective drugs, like Ivermectin and vitamin C. You have a higher chance of dying from Tylenol or the vaccine than ivermectin( see chart below from the WHO website itself).

This corruption is unprecedented and must be stopped . It will take all of us to wake up, get involved and hold these greedy evil people accountable. If you know and don’t help, then you are complicit. Visit the for more info on how to help us save lives. Just care about your fellow human enough to take 10 min and learn what is going on. The evidence is overwhelming.

We have to save each other and take our healthcare systems back or more Americans will suffer and die. Please start caring, it could happen to you.


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